Your Guide to Living with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)

Your Dialysis Journey is developed to provide you with the knowledge and resources you need to plan for a healthy and full life while on dialysis or other chronic kidney disease (CKD) treatments.

Find the Answers You Need

Find the information you need to feel confident taking the next step in your treatment journey.

Explore Your Treatment Options

Dialysis is not a one-size-fits-all. What size fits you? Explore your options and find your treatment path.

Live Well on Dialysis

Learn about how you can stay physically and mentally healthy throughout your dialysis journey. 

Sivustoa on ilmaissut tukevansa
Kroonisen munuaissairaus ja dialyysihoito

Find the Answers You Need

After talking with your clinician, you may need additional information to feel comfortable and confident planning your dialysis journey. Learn more about chronic kidney disease (CKD) and how it impacts you and your body.

Krooninen munuaissairaus – tutustu hoitovaihtoehtoihin

Explore Your Treatment Options

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) can be treated in different ways. Find out which treatment path suits your physical, emotional and lifestyle needs and be better equipped to make a treatment decision with your clinician.

Täysipainoinen elämä dialyysipotilaana

Live Well on Dialysis

Leading a good life with chronic kidney disease (CKD) requires making positive choices. Learn about how you can stay physically and mentally healthy throughout your dialysis journey and live your life to the fullest.

Elämä kroonisen munuaissairauden (CKD) kanssa

Are You a Caregiver or Does Someone You Love Need to Go on Dialysis?

Being a caregiver or a loved one to a dialysis patient means that your life will change in one way or another. Knowing what to expect will help prepare you for the journey ahead. Read more about what to expect, how you can support your loved one, and why it is important to care for yourself.

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